Jenks Hypnosis and Training Center, LLC

805 N. Fir, Jenks, OK 74037    (918) 298-6884
Located in Jenks, America, near the heart of south Tulsa

Self Esteem - A Journey Begins

I tell my clients they may not 'hope' or 'try'. They seem harmless enough and they permeate our everyday language. But both of these words are negative because they imply failure. Why is this so important to our Self Esteem?

Self Esteem is central to our general, overall good health. It is the core of our mental, physical and emotional well being. Low Self Esteem deteriorates our emotional fitness and contributes of overall poor health and causes us to suffer more physical ailments from earaches to cancer. It is an invisible disability that steals the joy from life, fuels a lack of self respect and promotes a sense of worthlessness that keeps us stuck in unacceptable situations. And despite the overwhelming evidence of the critical importance of Self Esteem, surprisingly little attention has been focused on building and maintaining a healthy Self Esteem.

Those with poor Self Esteem are more likely to suffer from: Stress symptoms, drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, sensitivity to criticism, anger, destructive behavior, etc. No wonder it is the silent disability. Conversely, those with good Self Esteem tend to be friendlier, more expressive, more active, more trusting, more out-going, and less troubled by doubts and criticism. In general, they are just plain healthier.

So who suffers from low Self Esteem? EVERYBODY! At some time or another, all of us face off with this dragon. My personal dragon is called Superwoman. I want, need - and try - to do it all. Perfectly. The list of what I want to do becomes longer each year as my family continues to grow. Husband time, horse time, children and grandchildren time, Me time. All this doesn't leave much time for little things like laundry, housekeeping, dishes, etc. "Trying" to do it all, makes for a long exhaustive day and when I can't do it all - Perfectly - I feel I haven't planned well enough. I wasn't organized enough. I don't get enough sleep and - well, grumpy doesn't begin to describe it. Then there is the fact that I am directionally challenged. I panic when I am alone and have to drive in an unfamiliar place. I must do ALL things perfectly. If I can't, then I am not as good as everyone else. At least, that is how I used to feel.

What changed? My perceptions of what is actually means to be human - and fallible. I identified the destructive thought patterns I'd used for so many years. And, I have learned to: 1) Separate external events from my basic self image; 2) Identify and place responsibility where it belongs; 3) Realize that I control only myself; and 4) I am in control of Everything I do. In short - I reclaimed my Personal Power!

Too often we shy away from our own Power. We deny our abilities. We've been taught no to draw attention to ourselves. We don't want to step on anyone's toes. We avoid conflict and confrontations because we lack the power of our own convictions. By failing to acknowledge ourselves and our abilities, we limit ourselves, stifle our minds, stunt our souls and live tiny little lives. We have unlimited Potential. We have unlimited Power. We are limited ONLY by our own thoughts.

Negative thoughts are so incredibly powerful. It takes six - SIX - positive affirmations to eliminate a single negative statement. We are inundated with the negative stuff every day. And like Julia Roberts said in Pretty Woman, "The bad stuff is just easier to believe."

How do we pull ourselves out of the muck and the mire of Low Self Esteem? Accept yourself. Understand you are human, fallible, fragile. Start by forgiving yourself for everything, real or imagined. Learn to identify the 13 Destructive Thought Patterns. Learn your communication style. Once you have these figures out, the next step is to change!

I know, change is a scary word, and an even scarier prospect. Familiar is comfortable. But are you REALLY that comfortable? Do you really like feeling yucky? This change for the better isn't a one time special deal. Self Esteem is a constant, on going, never ending building process.

Get out from under that little black cloud and stand in the sunshine. I guarantee you'll like it a whole lot better! And if you decide you need help to find your place in the sunshine, call us. The Jenks Hypnosis Center is here to help you discover your full potential and unleash your unlimited power.